Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Realistic Weight loss

I happened to stumble across this article that talked about the biggest loser yesterday. Let me start off by saying I've never watched a full episode of the biggest loser, but have seen bits and pieces. I don't watch much TV at all, we don't have cable or any network television. So I've only seen it in passing or other people's homes but I've seen it enough to know that contestants lose an insane amount of weight in a VERY short period of time. It seems like the biggest loser is a topic of conversation anytime someone talks about weight loss (mine, theirs, products, etc).

My original goal was to lose 100lbs. I'm over half way to meeting my goal. Originally, I wanted to be done dieting by my birthday in September. Almost a year since I started going back to the gym. That is still my goal and at first, I was on track losing about 10 lbs a month. Since April, my weight loss hasn't been as rapid. I'm sustaining my weight losing here and there and having an active and healthy life style. I knew I would eventually struggle with the weight loss and felt that time period would be when warmer weather hit. I love summer and I love my family. Dieting and Exercising take up a lot of time, money and planning. It's hard to diet and enjoy simple pleasures like BBQ with your family. I still exercise and have been maintaining my weight, that is not hard. It's losing weight that is harder. Losing weight is hard anytime because let's face it. It's easy to sabotage, easy to fall into old habits and there is a reason most people gain weight. I really enjoy food. I eat when I'm emo, I eat when I'm gathering with family and friends, I gained so much weight because I didn't eat healthy and I didn't exercise. My lifestyle was out of control. I've since found balance.

My goal is still to lose 100 lbs by the middle of September. Which is basically 35 more lbs in 10 weeks. That's 3.5lbs per week, a healthy amount BUT not what I've been losing for the last couple of months. If I dedicated and progressing like I was, this goal would be attainable. I'll be happy even if I'm close to the 100lbs mark, as long as if it all comes off. Once I hit 158, I will re-evaluate my goals. I may decide to maintain, I may decide to lose. I don't want FAST weight loss, I want realistic maintainable weight loss. I like that my body is recouping from the years of abuse I put it through. My skin isn't flabby. I have stretch marks, but they too are fading. The human body is really one of God's most fascinating creations. I am so blessed that he is allowing me to lose this weight and become a better me despite the abuse I've done to my body.

Let me be clear, healthy is a life style. There will be no magic number on the scale that I am going to see and think, oh ok, I don't have to go to the gym anymore, I can eat as much as I want. I know that I will always have to balance calories in and calories out. I will always have to be mindful of my choices but these healthier choices are becoming more and more natural to me. Otherwise, I too would gain back the weight. It really isn't how much weight you lose but how well you maintain what you've lost. That to me would make you the biggest loser.

FYI: Weigh in today 196. Down 2lbs from last week, still up 1lbs from my 2 weeks ago. Things that I see hindering my progress: snacking (camping, holiday, bbq foods left over), less time at the gym because of holidays and camping. We're going camping again this week. My plan to combat these hurdles: better food planning and activities outside of the gym. Friday is MAriyn's birthday - she asked to go camping in Yosemite - so we're planning on taking her. Shhhh.... it's a secret!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the -2 this week even with the 4th!! That's awesome!! I am so proud of you and happy for you! You and Davey have similar personalities, as in you don't quit. I lack that quality most of my life! But with God's help He can change me. You are right, God is amazing to give us the ability to change our bodies after we treat it horrible. What a good God!
