Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7/27 - Weigh In

I'm having all sorts of thoughts about dieting and where I'm going in my weight loss journey. I thought today was going to be a really good weigh in. I feel thinner this week: my clothes are getting bigger and Rich even commented on how much skinnier I look. But at last no change on the scale again, still sitting in at 195.

I looked back at my blog and I really haven't lost much weight at all lately. Very discouraging especially when you consider how much I'm working out. Last week, I got strict with my diet again so I was really hoping to see a change on the scale. I'm going to give it a few more weeks of strict diet and exercise and if nothing changes -- somethings changing. Even though I'm fit, I do not want to be 195lbs. I still have plenty of fat to lose.

I have a friend (real life) who is doing great in her weight loss journey. She is doing a medically managed weight loss program. It sound promising but it's expensive so I'm going to look into all my options if and only IF I can't get past this plateau naturally on my own.

I got up and did body pump and cycle. We were running late so I forgot to eat breakfast. Not smart. I picked up the girls breakfast from MacDonalds and that is when I realized I hadn't eaten myself. They have these fruit smoothies. I figured it sounded healthy enough and so I got myself one. Not even half way through body pump I had the jitters and was feeling light headed. The smoothie wasn't cutting it nutritionally to get me through my needs. After body pump, I grabbed a protein bar ($4.30) to eat before cycle. Crazy price I know but I felt so much better and more alert. The gym is looking to train body pump instructors, I'm thinking about it. It just might be a good fit for me. :)

ETA: Rich didn't have to work tonight and so I decided to run again tonight (in addition to the regular Tuesday morning body pump and cycle). I didn't want to over do it because I ran so much yesterday, but I got in another 4 miles running outside tonight! Woo Woo


  1. I have heard, but don't know for sure since I have never stuck to a diet long enough to hit a plateau, but if you just keep doing it, maybe see what you can add or cut out of your diet, the plateau will break on it's own. I know you'll do great! How does Rich feel about you getting skinny? Just wondering ;)

  2. I'm hoping to push through this plateau but I've been stuck here for a while, too long. I'm hopeful the extra running is going to help.

    Rich is verbally encouraging and supportive. He always tells me I am hot, but then again, that is his job -as hubby. ;-) He is trying harder w/ eating eating habits lately too. He wants to win our bet but he isn't as dedicated as I am.
