Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gym time

Yesterday, I got up and went to the gym. I was sluggish about getting out of the house and really wasn't motivated to go. Mariyn's didn't have school due to a furlough day/budget cuts. She and I rode our bikes across town to the gym. I missed all the classes so I worked out by myself on the floor doing the various weight training machines. It had been a while since I've used that part of the gym, maybe a month or so because I usually do bodypump classes for my weight training.

It's nice to mix it up a bit though. I lifted heavy and did a lot of reps. I did the intimidator (assisted pull up machine), squats, leg press, leg extensions, calf raises, hip and thigh machines, peck deck and tri press machines. All areas I normally work in body pump. I'm counting my bike ride to and from the gym as my cardio time.

Today, I am sore. Not terribly sore like I was last week from running but more sore than normal for a regular workout. I can feel my gluts burning, as well as my chest and biceps. A good reminder why it's important to vary your routine because even though I work these muscles regularly, the different machines work a different part of the muscles than the free weights do. Free weights are great too, I'm a huge fan of free weights. It's just nice to have a variety and change it up a bit.

Getting sore = progress = body change = results = success

I was talking to a trainer at my gym about my 10K time, weight loss and everything she was impressed. She complimented my shoulders and said they look really good. Which made me feel good. She said, whatever I am doing keep doing it because it's working. I don't pay for training but since I come so regularly I talk to the trainers a lot. They give good tips and are a lot friendlier than they appear. It's so nice to have a "professional" give you compliments as well as encouragement.


  1. That is nice the trainers talk to you. The ones at 24 seem so snobby and won't even say hi to anyone. Maybe I am wrong though! I totally agree on changing it up. I need to do more weights and was thinking about doing Body Pump on Thursday nights, but I heard it's really hard?? nervous! lol

  2. Body pump is a hard class, but it's a good hard. I think anyone can do body pump you control your own weights and push yourself. I was intimidated by the trainers for a long time because I thought the same thing. When I did the contest back in January, they were the ones organizing it, so I talked to them. It broke the ice and the intimidating factor is gone. Now, most of the trainers say hi when they see me and I talk to a few of them more personally. :)

  3. I think I will try Body Pump on Thursday, my gym bud Lisa has been asking me to go. She said she was sore for days after and I do Body Sculpt Tuesday nights and am really sore after.. but I should push myself!! Oh yeah can't this thursday cause I don't want to be sore for Saturday! next thurs..
