Thursday, September 23, 2010

Non Physical Goals

I've been thinking more and more about my goals. All of the goals I mentioned for the Hot 100 are physical /weight loss goals. I know that is my usual talk around here but I also have other goals too, that are not directly related to my personal fitness and weight loss.

Along with my Hot 100 goals and weekly weigh in, I am going to make a new small goal or challenge. It could be related to my physical or non physical goals. Just one more way to hold me accountable to the things I want to attain.

I really want to grow my relationship with Christ. Yeah I do a mom's bible study once a month but I don't feel it's enough. I need to learn more and nurish this relationship. I'd also like God to use me to encourage and empower others. I pray that whenever I tell my story people see that God is part of my journey and all the credit and glory should go to him.

In 2008, I finished my master's program. I earned my credential in school counseling but never officially earned my M.A. Why you might ask? I never finished my thesis. I have a lot of reasons I didn't finish - busy life, not a priority, lack of self confidence with my writting skills, and money. There must have been a lot of people out there like me who never really finished so this year, the university is offering a comprehensive exam as a final MA requirement. I have two chances to pass this exam (which is an essay). It's due in November and I haven't started yet. If I can dedicate as much time and effort to my exam as I do my health goals, then I'm sure I can get this done. Officially having my MA would really spruce up my resume and could open more opportunities.

With that said, I also have finanacial goals. I'd like more financial stability in our lives. I'm not working and my husband's job is unpredictable at best. I know God has a plan for us and it's a trial. We are hoping to become more financially independant and hope that opportunities fall into place. Prayers with this area are deeply appreciated.

Exercise today: Body Pump this morning, Zumba this evening.

I haven't done Zumba in a really long time but I went to be supportive of my friend. She an instructor and got to teach a few songs tonight. It was a fun time and I got to see people I haven't seen in a while. When the instructor said to squeeze your abs tonight, I heard a girl in the back say, "Abs, what Abs?, laughing I can't feel my abs!" Immediately it reminded me of myself and how far I've come. After class I made a point to go and talk to her and encourage her. She looked at me as if I was crazy until I told her how much weight I've lost. It's funny because I still see myself as a fat girl. I still weigh a lot. But I'm noticing other people aren't seeing me this way any longer, weird.


  1. These are great "ramblings!" What better goals to have than those which mature you spiritually, physically, financially and mentally. I think if you don't work to finish the MBA, you'll truly regret it as you grow simply because it's something just hanging out there left undone. You have a great attitude. Hope I can be an encouragement to you.

  2. Good luck with your MA essay!!!

    I do girly push ups because I can't even do on regular one. I am going to build up my strength a little before I move to the regular ones. Of course I have my husband next to me that does an insane amount of push ups in 2 minutes. He did tell me the one that I attempted to do I had great form, right before I messed it all up so that I wouldn't fall face first onto the concrete. lol

  3. That's a great goal, and you can and should go for it!

  4. "I really want to grow my relationship with Christ."

    What an awesome goal. Really awesome!

  5. I've never really had many goals in my life until these past several months. It's amazing how setting goals has changed me and my life. I think there's power in our words, both spoken and written. And now that I've experienced how positive goals have been for me, I'm going to make them a regular part of my life. But like you, I realize I need to expand them past just physical and weight loss goals. My mind is whirling with ideas. Thanks for the inpsiration.

  6. Kimbertlynn - Thank you!! You're right there is so much power in our words and thoughts. Goals are awesome motivators, and I'm glad you're reaching yours!
