Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wants Vs Needs

I really want a bike. I need one for the triathlon coming up in September and I would really like to go on family outings sooner than that. I don't know much about bikes, other than how to ride one but I know I want a quality bike. I've been doing a little research and for a novice I've read that it doesn't really matter what kind of bike you ride, you will learn what you prefer/need as you advance. However, I don't have a bike at all. If I did, I probably would be content with what I have and since I am going to have to buy something, I want to make sure I get a good value on a quality bike. Bikes seem so expensive $500 for an entry level road bike and they go way up from there... like to the price of a car! WOW! Yeah there is no way, I am paying that for a bike - but part of me the really impractical part always thinks I need the best! Yeah, I'm learning my needs and WANTS aren't really the same thing. . . Have I told you that I can be a bit stubborn and can be a very impulsive buyer. Case in point, my car an Acura TSX not exactly a family sedan but I HAD to have it. I know this about me, so I'm actually a little afraid to go into a REAL bike store. I don't want to come home with a $500 (or more) bike just because I was convinced that I needed it or even worse, I convinced myself.

So I've spent several hours a day scouring ebay and craigslist looking for a bike. I've been watching several listings and really wanting to bid (the competitive part in me doesn't like to lose, even if it's just an online auction). But I figured since I just started looking that it would be better to wait it out. Watch longer, read more bike reviews so I really know that I am getting a good deal. Craigslist in my area doesn't have a lot of traffic and well, I don't think there are a lot of cyclist here in general but I'm watching it and the bay area. I have to figure that if I buy out of the bay area it's going to cost me at least an addition $40 in gas.... AT least and consider that into the cost of the bike.

I'm really trying to stick to $100-200 for a bike. Dream bike $300 max. That's a lot of money and even more money to us right now. I'm justifying it as mother's day gift and an investment into our family time and my health-fitness goals.

Today was weigh in Tuesday and I didn't weigh in. I know, I know. I put in the effort all week with exercise. I ate better BUT it was my monthly bible study so I didn't go to the gym this morning and I didn't think it would be fair to weigh myself at night. I figure I'll either weigh myself later this week or next week.

We had a great bible study today. It's the last one of this school year. Gave me a few things to think about, cleaning house and a clean heart. Since it was our last one of the year, we had a little brunch. I brought watermelon and there were all kinds of goodies. I had my fair share today! Which was another reason I decided not to weigh in today. I didn't over eat but I want to be fair to myself too.

Also, I talked to an older man, Buck, who was walking this morning around my neighborhood when I was leaving for bible study. He was a Christian too and just gave me a lot of food for thought. It's funny sometimes we humans think things are random BUT to God nothing is random. It serves a purpose and I believe he intended me to talk to that man today, just as he intended me to hear that message at bible study. I'm going to start spending more time with God, praying and learning. I need to, I know it's what God wants and I just have to make some changes. I love driving by churches and reading their marquee, one I recently read said, "You are important in the purpose of God." Powerful stuff I tell you because I've felt so much lately that I've been living without purpose, without direction. Yet, I've been comforted and my needs have been met. Glory to God, I've enjoyed being a stay at home mom so much more than I ever anticipated. I really feel like there is a purpose to this and Buck (the older man I talked to today) said that whenever I do go back to counseling, I will probably be a better counselor because of it. And you know what . . . I have a feeling he is right. Is it possible that God has used my unemployment to show me the difference between wants and needs? Whatever the reason, I'm sure I've learned a lesson or two . . . or more!


  1. We got $100 schwinn cruiser bikes from walmart and LOVE them. obviously we aren't "on purpose" exercising with them, just cruising with the kids around the neighborhood and stuff, but they are sooooo nice!!!!

  2. That's great! I WANT a cruiser, for that purpose too! But I just don't think my triathlon goals require something a bit more. Otherwise, I'd be all over a cruiser.

  3. Me too. I want a cruiser, but the Tri required a mountain bike. I prayed for one and He provided!! For free!! And it was comfortable and perfect for me.
