If you fail to plan then you're planning to fail - tid bit I came across today. It's so true though. I think most of my success thus far has been because I plan on going to the gym every day. At the beginning of week, I sort out my schedule in my head. Look at any obstacles and try to figure out a way where I can get to the gym and complete my obligations. Right now, I admit my schedule isn't too pressing because I'm not working. But things do come up from time to time. Planning also helps me keep my diet under control. Whether that be planning on what to buy at the grocery store - or what meals I'm going to prepare at home. If I don't plan I will consume way more food than necessary.
One thing I need to improve on is planning my chores. Basically, I'm a stay at home mom right now. My obligations are going to the gym, taking care of the girls, and taking care of my home. I can say I'm successful with 2 of the 3. I can really step it up here at home. It's so easy to get distracted browsing the internet or facebooking all day.
I didn't completely plan out today and I will decided all of our dinners the night before. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day because I have bible study. Just like I have to feed my body, I have to feed my soul. This bible study has been so beneficial for me. I'm torn about missing body pump and spin, my normal Tuesday activities but I know I have to balance and I want to go to my bible study.
My plan for the week is as follows:
Costco Shopping
Fold Laundry
Cardio Kickboxing
Dinner - Salad
Bible Study
Weigh in
Pick up house
Dinner - Ravoli's & Asparagus
Business Meeting
Wednesday -
Gym - Body Pump
Clean Bathrooms
Valentine's Cards with Mariyn
Dinner -
Thursday -
Gym - weights with Clare; Zumba
Mop house (hardwood floors means whole house)
Bank Errands
Gym - Weights with Clare; Zumba
Clean Guest Room for visitors
Cardio Kickboxing was extra hard tonight. I swear it took everything I had to get through. See what happens when you miss a week? You know you're a gym rat when... your gym friends think you're sick because they didn't see you. LOL nope just took care of business earlier! Also, I made an order at bodybuilding.com today. Can't wait to get my new products!
I love this post because I am in the exact boat. Right now a high priority is gym. I need to go back on my cleaning schedule. I work everything g around gym time! I live being a home maker. Taking care of Davey and the boys is priceless! So I gotta balance by finishing all my house work! I like your schedule! Our church has ladies bible study Tuesday also, at 8am. I want to go, but it's so early! :)