Weigh in Tuesday was a complete success! Another 4lbs lost - I am so happy. Now, I'm -42lbs. I feel great! 20 weeks, almost 5 months of hard work, dedication is paying off in results. Calm my anxious heart, the book I've been reading has talked a lot about how everything we have is a gift from God and all too often we forget to say thank you. Everything we have is not ours, it's God's. My house, my car, my children are all apart of my life because God has brought them in my life. Sunday I visited my aunt's church and I got the same message from the sermon, must be something I need to let sink in. This week, I reached a milestone. I worked hard, I was both mentally and physically dedicated to achieving my goal through diet and exercise. It wasn't on my own though, I have God's strength and God's will pushing me telling me not to give up and helping me avoid temptations. Thank you lord for your support and help! Thank you for believing in me.
This morning, I did body pump and spin. Ticka instructs both. At the very end of each class, she always says, "Always give thanks for your health and strength." So true, I am so fortunate to not only have the physical ability to change my body but blessed with will power and dedication to do so.
Amazing Sara!!!! Wow you are really doing it. It is so motivating! I have not been doing well since last thursday, and now I am motivated to kick it in gear again. We are still watching our friends kids so no gym again. ;( It is ok though. I will catch up! Good job and praise the Lord! ps you are almost half way there!