Hmmm... where to start? So many thoughts and experiences running through my head that I haven't shared.
The only day I was active last week was Weds. not good but it was a week of transition. I didn't even weigh in last week. My mother in law was here for the weekend, I hadn't seen her in about 8 months so she was really surprissed by the amount of weight I lost. Feels good to be noticed even though I haven't lost much in months.
Both my girls are in school now, Amelia officially started preschool on Friday. She really enjoyed it. Friday the teacher reported back that Amelia did not listen. Such an independant and stuborn spirit. We had a few talks over the weekend and I told her she has to listen to teacher or she can't go to school. She had a much better day today.
I'm now all registered to substitute teach and am available to start any time. Hopefully something picks up on that end soon. I'm wanting to sub on the days the girls are at school, the house is WAY too quiet with out them and we could really use the extra money.
My mother in law flew in for the weekend. I took her back to the airport today. On my way home, I picked up some fruit from fruitstands. Yumm... Heirloom tomatoes, santa rosa plums, pluots, and honeydew melon. Have I ever mentioned how much I love summmer?
I went to the gym in the middle of the day while the girls were at school. The cardio kickboxing class I normally take on Monday nights is no longer going to be taught by the same instructor. I don't really care for the new instructors style so I'm going to do something else on Mondays instead. Today, I decided to run. I probably ran 3 miles or so on the tready. I put my i-pod in and just went to town. But I have to admit, I stopped 3 times after just 5 minutes of running. The first time, I accidently hit the reset button when I was running. I was trying to hook my i-pod up to the machine and run at the same time, not goood. So I restarted. Then, someone spotted me and wanted to talk. I hit pause talked a bit then restarted. I got going into a groove, and my stomach started hurting. I knew I had to stop, I had to go to the bathroom. So I had to stop --again! Ughh.
I ended up running for about 40 minutes. I was listening to my i-pod thinking about my routine. My weightloss and getting back on track. Then this song came on -"Everything" --Lifehouse, Sherri recommended it to me a while back.
It really had me thinking. I know I am a strong and determined person but with God I am stronger. I've been sort of going through the motions of life lately, waiting for things to happen. Waiting to be blessed and living life. But I haven't been as vocal about my faith as I could, as I should. I have been praying but it's always only the same generic prayer nothing specific. I need to give God more, I need to share more frequently. It's been about a month since I've even blogged about my faith... too long. Like my diet and exercise routine needs to refocus so does my faith. My heart is in the right spot. God has so abundently provided for us, for me. He has given so much, strength, stability and support. And here I tend to focus on the negatives in life or the lack of(s) instead of rejoucing in all that I have. Yet, his love is still there and all my needs are truly met. God is so great!
My plan, get right with God. Get back into the routine of eating better and exercises.
God is so good, I constantly have to get right with him because I take His grace for granted, and I am sorry for that. Church last night was so good, and convicted me to tell others about Him more often. I know you will get back on track and lose!