My struggles, inspirations and journey to weightless or just weigh less and meet my health goals. All while dealing with the ups and downs of daily life and rediscovering my faith along the way. Ps 27:14 Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Back in the Saddle Again
I've ran on it twice since the fall. Thanksgiving day and last night. Both times about 3 miles. My first half marathon is coming up soon, January 2nd and I need to be ready. It's only about 5 weeks away.
The Santa Monica - Venice Christmas Run is coming up even sooner on December 11th. I'm debating which run to sign up for the 10K which is a more challenging distance or the 5K that the rest of the family is doing. In all honesty, I'd really like to do both. My reasoning is I won't feel satisfied with just running a 5K as it's not challenging enough for me BUT Mariyn (and a lot of our family) is going to run it so I want to run it and support her. To run both would be really good training for my half marathon . . . as you can see, I'm torn.
Today, I did body pump and cycle. I haven't weighed in and I don't really want to. I didn't want to face the damage today and be a downer. I might weigh in tomorrow. One of my friends at the gym said I was looking thinner. I don't really think that is even possible. I was fairly active painting my house, working on projects and cleaning but I know I didn't make the best food choices and I know how important diet is.
Since my ankle was still weak and it's been 3 weeks since I've done any weight training, I didn't lift as heavy as I normally do. I still pushed myself though, in cycle I could feel my ankle was getting tired and worn out but not sore. Did I mention it felt so good to go back to my normal routine? I missed my workouts, my gym friend and I think they missed me. It's good to be back and besides being sidelined due to pain, I really think I needed the break to mentally re-charge it was a good break.
A lot of ladies at the gym are getting certified to become body pump instructors and cycle instructors. Part of me really wants to do this, but the other part of me doesn't. It's so expensive and just not practical (time or financially) for us right now with our investment coming along. One day, I'd love to do some sort of personal or group training for women who want to achieve their goals by completing events like triathlons or runs. I really think I'd love it and could be good at it... but I have to get more accomplishments under my belt too.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Post Thanksgiving
We celebrated Thanksgiving at our house this year. My younger sister helped me prepare my house by painting and cleaning all week. We picked a pale but cheery yellow and finally painted the kitchen. Only took 18 months to do it, but now my kitchen looks great -well for my kitchen. Before my kitchen barely looked live-able now it looks lovely. Well except the flooring from the 70's that I would love to be able to replace. I worked hard on my house from the time I woke up and got the kids off to school until 11pm and night when I was ready for bed all week. I was exhausted by the time family actually started to arrive on Weds night.,
I didn't make it to the gym at all. I miss it but my ankle wasn't healed all the way and I was busy. My ankle is still slightly swollen but feeling stronger. Thursday morning, Adrienne at Chronicles of a Curvy Housewife and I ran the Turkey Trot 5K. I was really worried about my ankle and being able to complete it.
Above: Mariyn and I by the start line
Below: Davey, Adrienne and I before the race.
There were so many people at the Turkey Trot, my guess nearly 2000 runners (kids included). It was freezing cold but still had a great turn out. The cold air felt like ice hitting your lungs, at times it hurt. It was non-electronic timing with a cross country style start and so the results aren't exact. There was a lot of congestion at both the start and finish line. So it took away from peoples time, mine included. The clock stated 30 mins 9 seconds when I crossed the finish line. That my friends, even with a bum ankle is my personal record. It's been several months since I've ran a timed 5K. Mariyn ran the 1/2 mile kids run, she was so cold but had a lot of fun. She was very proud of her finishers medal and her cousins were envious.
Thanksgiving went off without a hitch. 12 people in my home a delicious meal. It had all the traditional fatty items like mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing plus a few new healthier treats like my cauliflower broccoli cranberry salad. I enjoyed the day. Just like I wanted to because really, it's not Thanksgiving Day that makes you fat. Is it? It's the over eating and lack of moving every other day of the year. It's the feasting on the leftovers until you are stuffed to the gills. It's the lack of self control to say no thank you to food and the lack of motivation to get you off the couch to exercise. It's the every day choice we make that contribute to our lifestyle. I'm not going to fret over on what I ate for Thanksgiving. I ate a lot, I was active and I'm moving on.
Quite frankly I know I'm not at goal weight but with God's grace I will soon be.
I however AM living a healthy lifestyle each and every day. Isn't that what being at goal is all about?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hot 100 Update Week 8
*Lose the 30 lbs
UPDATE: Weigh in yesterday, 188 lbs. I'm seriously having bowel issues and retaining water. I can feel it in my whole body. I don't think it's real weight gain but it is reflecting on the scale.
* Fit into a size 8
UPDATE: One of my BFF's gave me a pair of banana republic size 6 slacks, I can get them on over my hips and butt but I can't button them yet. I'm willing to be that if they were an 8 I could squeeze into them.
* Increase my running mileage.
UPDATE: Injured my ankle running Sunday afternoon. I got in few good runs last week, including the trail/hills run that I fell on. Once I'm healed I will go back.
I will have to wait until this heals until I can attempt to run again. Instead, I am going to be working on my plank challenge and push ups while I have to be off of my foot. Then, I will move into cycling and back to running when ready.
Monday, November 15, 2010
This morning it hurt so bad I didn't want to get out of bed but I did. I got my daughter up and ready for school, then went back to bed with an ice pack and ibuprofen. I slept about an hour longer, when I woke up it felt better. Not 100% but enough to get around.
I had to go to the bank today and Walmart. Walmart isn't exactly a trip you want to do with a sore ankle but we are out of so much stuff at home, it had to be done. When I got home, my ankle was done. My house is such a mess, I needed to do dishes. I had to do them before I could cook or do anything in the kitchen. So I did and yeah then I was done standing on my ankle. Rich was hungry, it was dinner time and kid's eat free at our favorite restaurant. It didn't take much effort to convince me. I got a Mexican Shrimp and Chicken Cesar Salad, so at least I made a healthy choice. I'm alternating ice and heat now combined with ibuprofen. I'm hoping for improvement tomorrow.
I didn't go to the gym today. I'm not sure when I'll be able to go again. I don't think my ankle is that bad but it's just bad enough to be painfully annoying. And bad enough that I know I need to give it a rest or it could get worse. I'm clumsy and I often injure my ankles. The extra weight probably doesn't help at all combined with old injuries from softball, soccer and random mishaps. I've had worse ankle injuries but it's never fun to be sidelined due to injury.
On a positive note, this will give me more time to work on the plank challenge. I said I would do planks 3 times a week and well, haven't followed through. Maybe I'll add some push ups and have a little at home strength training routine. Sounds like a plan to me.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Weekend Wrap Up
I've had a good weekend. As I mentioned before, my girls had Thursday and Friday off because of Veteran's Day. I'm so thankful for all our vets have done and I'm really thankful to have had an extra couple days with my girls. We spent time with my aunt and her family. Adrienne (my cousins wife) at Chronicles of a Curvy Housewife and I got to spend time together too. It was nice and she is looking much trimmer than last time I saw her. We went on a nice bike ride, I rode one of my aunt's bikes. Kinda funny riding someone else's bike but it was good. Our kids got to play together and had so much fun. Amelia loved Shane. So cute.
Thursday night I had dinner with two of my very bestest friends. My girls stayed with my Aunt and family so it felt like an official girls night out. We had sushi and I'm pretty sure it was healthy (or disguised as) and I didn't over eat. After dinner, we went back to my friend's house and she gave me a bunch of shirts. I felt so incredibly blessed and thankful. They're super cute too! My younger sister, Ricki bought me a few new shirts this week too. So I'm far less stressed about having clothes to wear. I feel so loved, so thankful and so blessed. God is so good and he does provide for all of our needs.
The girls and I came home Friday night and spend Saturday around the house relaxing, it felt really good. We went to a craft fair and seen an old friend. She had to tell me about my high school sweet heart and what he is up to. Let's just say I feel so incredibly thankful for my life and blessed. The whole, thanking God for unanswered prayers. It really puts perspective on my life and how good it is.
I went running this afternoon in Knights Ferry with Zumara. It's such a beautiful place along the river, rustic, peaceful and full of nature's beauty. Bonus it's not too far away from home. I'm not sure how far we ran but we did a lot of trails and hill work. It was so beautiful and the hills were pretty steep. The terrain was comparable with our mud run but probably steeper (with the exception of one hill) but we both handled it a lot better. It felt easier probably because we knew what to expect and are familiar with the area.
Knights Ferry is a historic place and is so beautiful. There were A LOT of photographers out there doing portraits tonight, at least 3 different parties if not more. Must be that holiday time of year, getting ready to send out the family photos and Christmas cards.
The run felt good and peaceful. We seen a family of deer too so we stopped and watched them for a while. We ran for about an hour and 15 minutes, who knows how many miles it's not an area you can easily map. We ran until sunset and started heading back. About 100 feet before the end of the trail, I fell to the ground. I lost footing on some rocks and my ankle gave out. It's sore and swollen but not injured too bad. I think I'll have to rest it but I'll be back to training soon. This is the exact reason, I do not like to run alone. You never know when you are going to get hurt and will need help. Luckily, I was able to get back up (it took a minute) and we were just about done with our run. I hobbled back to the car and have been babying my ankle all night. I'm sure I will see the real damage in the morning. I see more cycle and less running in my future this week. Even though I hurt myself, the run was incredible and I hope to be able to do it again soon. Zumara enjoyed it too.
I need to get better shoes for trail running, regular running shoes just don't provide the support you want/need on trails.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 7
UPDATE: Weigh in yesterday, 187 lbs - 2 pounds heavier than last week. See the yo-yo affect.
* Fit into a size 8
UPDATE: Not there yet... but I'm getting smaller. I notice a lot of my jeans are feeling bigger.
* Increase my running mileage.
UPDATE: I ran several nights last week. Normally after a running event, we are sluggish to start back up running in routine. Zumara and I both feel like we need to incorporate more hills in our runs to prepare us for our half marathon. We are hoping to do so on the weekends.
Whatever the reason is, or combination there of I realize I haven't been as dedicated to blogging or as dedicated to my diet and exercise routine. I'm still doing both but not with the same intensity. Yesterday, weigh in was 187, 2 lbs up from the week before. I'm not at all bothered by it either. Odd.
The last several weeks, I've been going three steps forward on the scale to fall two steps back lately. I'm pretty sure it's water weight as I still have been working out. Yeah I gave into a few more pieces of candy then I normally would but over all I still ate healthy. I still exercised several times last week with intensity. I'm not as focused but I've not abandoned ship.
Monday morning, I did advanced spin at the gym. It felt really good. Monday night, I went running, about 5 miles.
Tuesday I didn't make it to the gym. I had my monthly mom's bible study in the morning, play date in the afternoon for Amelia. Then after school stuff, dinner and my sister came over. Today, I'm painting my hallways and I know I won't make it to my regular class. I'm planning on running tonight again. Thursday and Friday I am going to spend time at my aunts house, my girls don't have school. I really need a break and I always feel so much better after I've spent some time with my aunt and her family.
I'm not sure what is on the agenda for this weekend but hopefully I'll figure out a way to get more activity in. And next week I am going to come back fully recharged. I'm tired of feeling burnt out.... maybe that is my problem?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I broke down.
I had a pitty party.
Yesterday, I lounged around the house most of the day feeling sorry for myself. Why, you might ask? Because I was feeling bad about the way I look. As you probably know from reading, it's now been 18 months since I've worked. I'm so thankful for this time off to focus on myself and my family but money is so incredibly tight. It's stressful. Right now, it's even more stressful than normal because of the investment stuff we have going on, the holidays coming up. It's a bit overwhelming when I think of it all.
I've been able to spend more time with my friends lately and I've rediscovered how much I love getting dressed up. The only problem - I don't have much that fits me. Everything is too big, even my pre-baby jeans are getting more and more roomy. A good problem to have when you're trying to lose weight. It's not a good problem to have though when you don't have extra money to spend on clothes. Right now, there is nothing more I'd rather do the go out and buy myself clothes.... I'd feel so much better about myself, about my progress.
My husband has been selling things on craigslist trying to come up with extra money for our investment. He came home and told me he sold something for $300. Great news! Then, I emotionally broke down because I want to have nice things to wear. I've worked so hard to lose the weight (approx 75lbs). Other than gym clothes, I only have 3 shirts that fit me and a few pairs of jeans. I was folding laundry in my spare bedroom when my husband came in and told me. I broke down crying because I was so upset. I know it sounds trivial but really could you imagine how you would feel if you lost 75 lbs and didn't have the means to replace your clothes?
I know I made Rich feel really bad because he is so proud of my for losing the weight. He has been working so hard to provide for our family and make ends meet. Some weeks, he puts in over 80 hours. Every week he puts in more than 40... He is stressed, he is tired yet he keeps working so hard to provide for us, for our family.
After, I pulled myself together I apologized to him. I should not have gotten as upset as I did over clothes. Really, I know I have what I need and my family is provided for. I am wanting to go through my closet and take my old stuff to a consignment shop. Hopefully, then I will be able to add a few more things to my closet that fit.
I know I'm not at goal so anything I buy now is just temporary clothing. Which is the biggest reason, I haven't splurged and gotten myself new stuff. I don't want to waste money when it's so hard to come by. But if I was more cautious in other areas, I probably could buy myself a few new things. Most of us can probably cut back, somewhere right? I really don't want a lot, just more than a 3 different outfits to wear, you know?
Graciously, Rich said I could spend $100 on myself for clothes. He really is a sweet and loving husband. The money he plans to give me once he sells his stuff on craigslist. I love him so much.
The silver lining - This is my first huge emotional break down that I remember in this weight loss journey because something(s) didn't fit. Before, I always felt bad about myself because clothes didn't fit like I wanted them too. I would rather wear clothes that are too big for me and be healthy then be fat and wear clothes that are too snug and small. It really is harder to be fat.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Running Goal - 13.1

My new goal, I'm so looking forward to it and ready for it. I love to push myself harder and harder. I can run 6 - 8 miles now with no real problems. Mentally, I am prepared for it, I believe I can run a half marathon, 13.2 miles. My heart wants to run a half marathon. It will be so hard, it will feel so good.
I've had my heart set on running a half marathon for a while, wanting to take my running abilities to the next level but let's face it. It's nearing the end of running season. Runs are expensive, especially if you sign up late and the holidays are coming up. Plus, there really isn't much offering between now and then in my area for a long run. But I really WANT to be able to run a half marathon the end of 2010.
So... after lots of searches on I found the Brazen New Years Half Marathon. I really can't picture a better way to start of 2011 than running! Then I have the whole year to build on what I can do and improve. Plus, January culminates 1 year of running for me. It was in Janaury 2010 that I decided I wanted to be able to run... my goal was 1 mile. I could barely do 30 seconds. 1 year later, I will run my first half marathon.... Original goal achieved, I think so. Other running goals made and met, 5K and 10K... YES! Pushing myself to the limits... Oh YEAH!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hot 100 - Week 6
UPDATE: Weigh in yesterday, 185 lbs! One pound less than last week but still falling short of the 30 lbs... I'm keeping my goal and just going to continue to work towards it. Day by day, week by week, choice by choice.
* Fit into a size 8
UPDATE: Not there yet... but I'm getting smaller.
* Increase my running mileage.
UPDATE: Completed my first mud run (10K) on 10/31. I've also ran several nights last week and will continue to work on this. I've abandoned some events I wanted to do but picked a new running goal. More to come about that...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday Ramblings
A few of my friends from grad school got together for dinner. It was nice to get together we hadn't seen each other for a long time. I had my hair done, make up on and I got dressed. My friends were shocked at how much I've changed and kept commenting on how good I look. It felt good. Life is good.
I ate heavier than I had wanted to. Thankfully, Zumara and I went for a good run last night. Our bodies were sore and scratched but it felt good to get them moving again. 4.25 miles according to - Not bad at all! Hopefully, it undoes some of the damage from Halloween.
Weigh in today was great 185 lbs! 1 pound less than last week. :) I got up, did body pump and cycle. I was running a little bit late and took my breakfast (oatmeal) to the gym with me. I wanted to make sure I got a ticket to class today, yesterday I got there 10 minutes before the class started and it was already too full.
I struggled to get through body pump as my body is still a little sore. Cycle was great though - I feel so good now that I'm done. I need to get to cleaning today. I'm having people over for a Jewelry party on Thursday night and my house is a mess. So yeah... that's my goal for today!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mission Accomplished - Mud Run
I knew the mud run was going to be challenging but I under-estimated how challenging it would be. My triathlon experience is the bar in which I compare every event to. I set the bar high but I love to meet a good challenge. This 10K mud run was MORE challenging then the triathlon in Tahoe and I did not expect it to be.
Yeah - I can run 6.2 miles on almost any given day now. But this it was -- different.
Zumara and I decorated shirts the night before to look like lady bugs. It ended up taking a lot longer than we had expected but it was fun. When I finished, I made a traditional runners dinner --Spaghetti. I splurged and got garlic bread too. Mariyn has been begging me to get garlic bread. YUM... I laid out all my clothes and the girls the night before.
Trying on the shirts after we finished coloring them.
I grabbed and set Mariyn's alarm clock for 5:30 am. Then I got to bed. It was pretty late and I needed to get up early. I wanted to leave by 6:30 am. Rich was planning on going hunting and set his alarm too. When I awoke, it was not to the alarm but to sunlight peeping through my window. Panicked I rolled over and seen it was 7:07 am. I ran to my phone to call Zumara, I was supposed to pick her up already. I got ready in less than 15 minutes. The girls ended up staying home with Rich because he too slept in too late to go hunting.
We arrived at Folsom Lake around 9 am, luckily the 10K started at 10 am.
Once we found parking we had to walk about a mile to check in near the start line. No big deal. I got to see a bunch of the 5K runners finishing up the last leg of the race, the lake and a view of an obstacle. The course going through the lake! Yes, if you look closely at this picture you will notice the runners are in the lake!
We checked in got our stuff and it was time to line up at the start line. The race started in waves with the runners placing themselves by anticipated race pace. We were running late, and there were so many waves. Zumara and I quickly got a wave we could see room. It was the 8 -9 minute pace! So much faster than where we really are. The waves were very well organized the announcer was great a new wave started every 5 minutes. When it was our turn, the cannon went off - and we ran!
The first mile of the race was easy and fairly flat. The first obstacle, was small net with sand pit under. You had to crawl under the net and to the other side. Then continue on the run. No big deal, a little uncomfortable. Mile two, was up hill through smaller trails. It got a lot more challenging. Tree roots, rocks and who knows what were in the path.
Other obstacles we encountered included a giant hay pyramid, vertical wall, hurdles, cargo nets, vertical rope walls, the lake and of course, more mud pits! The obstacles were fun and both Zumara and I had no problems completing them. Other runners seemed to struggle with them more than we did. The pictures below are examples of the obstacles we encountered -- not us on our run.
Our biggest struggle was the terrain. One portion of the run, was a very steep climb. The trail had a very steep and narrow path. Once you reached the end of the path you turned and the path got steeper and continued to climb, 3 times this happened. My hamstrings were burning, and I was walking not running up the hill. Finally, we reached the top of the hill, where the obstacle was to climb over the cargo net. I got over, and took off running. Down hill, was equally hard on your body. Yeah you can go faster, but it wasn't safe. The trails were so small and hard to find footing. Plus the pressure on the knees was excruciating.
Around mile 5, Zumara and I stopped a bathroom not to far off the course. I really had to go, bad and had since we finished mile #1. The pit stop at the bathroom lost us a good 10 minutes. There were 6 bathrooms - 3 regular 3 porta potties. One regular was locked, one had no toilet paper and the others didn't flush. All three of the porta potties were out of toilet paper and completely dirty and covered in spider webs. We had to play musical bathrooms to be able to go.
Back on the run again, we were on the home stretch. You could hear the music back at the finish line. Feeling relief, Zumara and I said we were going to run the rest of the course. Around 6 miles or so, the course went off into the lake. and we had to follow the flagged area. The water was cold but it felt so good on your sore muscles. Some parts were shallow others were chest high and easier to swim than walk/run. Finally out of the water, we were in the home stretch and final obstacles.
The rope wall, had been soaped down and was our next challenge. The person in front of us, could not grab the rope and climb over the wall. She tried at least 3 times. The wall it's self looked really intimidating. I grabbed the rope on my first attempt and pulled myself over. Zumara was still at the bottom. I told her it was no problem, she had this. It was so much more intimidating than it was challenging.
Next we crawled into a giant mud pit. It was deep, and wet full of mud. You were to crawl under the flags and you got covered in mud. Mud in your face, mud in your hair, mud all over. Across the other side and over a little mud retaining wall and on to the finish line!
We did it, we can, we ran, we crawled, we conquered but most of all --- WE got down and dirty!
Official time: 1 hour 39 minutes 56 seconds! I ranked 92/112 for my age division. 908 of 1020 overall. Maybe not the greatest rankings but I'm proud of our time, especially considering we didn't have any running experience with hills or trails like that. Considering we lost 10 minutes or so in the bathroom. Considering our athletic ability and how far we've came. I anticipated finishing around 1 hour 30 minutes due to the obstacles. I had a great time and it was SO much fun! Even though, the 10K was so hard, I'm glad we chose it and rose to the challenge.