Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gym Time

I made it to the gym today! My gym, gym A. Mariyn's Christmas vacation is over and she is back in school. I decided last night that today would be a good day to start back at the gym. Why wait until Monday? That is only procrastinating the inevitable and allowing me to waste away longer.

I had all of our clothes laid out last night. I know I am NOT a morning person so it's just easier for us to get somewhere on time if I do this the night before. I got to the gym just before 8 am. Body Pump starts promptly at 8:30 and requires some set up. Plus, I knew the gym would be more crowded because of the kids went back to school and everyone wants to work on their resolutions.

I did body pump with less than my normal weights. I'm not trying to re-injure myself. I was a little nervous about going back. Is it to soon? What are people going to say? What do I tell them, I never actually WENT to the doctor. I don't want to look like a slacker or one of those people who are just there because it's a new year.

I felt welcome and at home. Even a little guilty for getting a temporary membership to Gym B. I missed seeing the regulars, I miss the classes and the routine. The Know Your Own Strength contest is back and I'm thinking about joining it. Not that I expect to win, because I don't but I did so well last year during the contest. I'd love to get those results again. I'm a competitive personality. Competition does me well. I have to wait until the last round to sign up though, I want to give myself a fair chance. I know I can do better when I'm totally healed.

Lunges, Push ups and planks are especially difficult for me right now. The are basic low impact floor exercises, I know but with my injury and the position of the ankle, it really hurt. Which tells me I am still several weeks out from running or any impact exercise.

Ahh... It feels so good to be back working out again.


  1. Good for you for getting back in to it. But take it easy and soon enough you'll be hitting the pavement!

  2. So happy for you! But yes listen to your body! Don't over-do it. I'm thinking about Body Pump... but I don't know...

  3. Adrienne - if they offer body pump you should try it. Weight training is so good for your routines to add strength and endurance. I know it can look intimidating but it's not bad. Its actually fun!

    Don't worry though I am listening to my body and returning slowly doing what I can. :-). My focus will be swimming this month supplanted by weight training yoga and pilates if possible.

  4. It's really been a long haul for you, I know. So glad to see you back and on the mend, though. I'm sure it feels great just being able to move!
